Sexual Abuse And Human Trafficking Of Boys And Men In Boise

Let's do something meaningful together

Sexual Abuse And Human Trafficking Of Boys And Men In Boise.

I wrote this piece of poetry after touring with a documentary on human trafficking that featured my story called, Stopping Traffic. At every show, I was confronted with questions bordering on accusations that sexual abuse and rape and human trafficking doesn’t happen to boys and men in places like Boise.

In some overseas countries, the abuse and trafficking of boys and men exceed the violation of girls and women. I find it disheartening as a father of boys and girls and as a male survivor, that sexual abuse and human trafficking in Boise has been reduced to an issue of #genderrights or a narrative for political point-scoring and election stumping and not confronted as a basic issue of #humanrights.

My first book No Working Title – A Work In Progress, is a collection of poetry and short stories that deal with the impact of sexual abuse on boys as they grow into manhood. I do warn you, however, it is NSFW. My latest book #dealwithit – living well with PTSD, I take people through what I learned and what I did in order to recover from CPTSD.

For more resources on PTSD and CPTSD recovery or to buy either of these books please visit us at

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