PTSD Stigma And Stereotypes Among Police In Boise

Let's do something meaningful together

In this podcast, we interview world-renowned PTSD subject matter expert Dr. John A. King, a best-selling author of #dealwithit, star of numerous documentaries including the award-winning film, Light In The Darkness and founder of Give Them A Voice.

Get ready to strap on Heroes, this is a bit of a wild ride in that Dr. King tells it like it is when it comes to PTSD stigma and stereotypes around the nation and right where you are in Boise. No holds barred in this conversation which addresses the stigma surrounding PTSD, the connection between childhood sexual abuse and how that relates directly to the Hero Community and increased risk for developing PTSD, how porn addiction (which is very common in the Hero Community) feeds into PTSD, and some best practices for building resiliency and recovering from trauma.  

Dr. King has provided our listeners with a 20% discount on his book, #dealwithit…use coupon code S2S at checkout and here is a link to his shop and site

Hero Talk is dedicated to building resiliency for the hero community of first responders. We dive deep into non-traditional ways to improve peak performance, prevent post-traumatic stress, and balance the body, mind and spirit so our heroes can thrive in the personal and professional lives. Click on this link to visit our podcast archive and don’t forget to tune in weekly.

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